Happy New Year from your 2025 HawkSoft User Group Board of Directors! As the 2025 HUG President, I’m excited to begin the new year with this group. We hope you all had a safe and memorable holiday season surrounded by family and friends! As we start our 2025 journey, I want to remind everyone what the HawkSoft User Group is all about. Last year when we met, we refined our mission statement, so I’d like to share that with you.
Our purpose is empowering HawkSoft users through:
EDUCATION: providing educational resources to help members better themselves and each other
COMMUNITY: fostering a community where members can share ideas and collaborate with peers
INNOVATION: encouraging the adoption of new ideas and promoting best practices to drive growth and success for new members
As you can see, our keywords are EDUCATION, COMMUNITY, and INNOVATION. These are the pillars of our organization and why we do what we do! While each of us takes on different challenges, successes, and endeavors as agents, remember that there is a community behind all of us willing to help, share, and support.
We also want to extend our thoughts and prayers to all our agencies, their staff, and families who were impacted by devasting natural disasters in recent days, weeks, and months. Please let this group know if there is any way we can help you as you navigate your recovery efforts.
HawkSoft 6 Progress
In 2024, we saw some amazing progress with HawkSoft 6, with over 1,700 agencies (10,000 users) now on the cloud platform! The platform also had more than 40 version releasesthroughout the year, full of new features and enhancements. As always, HUG will continue to help our agents along their HawkSoft 6 journey with webinars, blogs, and feedback to the development team to influence future enhancements. If you’re a HawkSoft Online agency who has not migrated yet, you’ll receive an email from HawkSoft soon, when it’s your turn to migrate. Agencies on local server installations will be given the opportunity to migrate later in the year, if desired.
HUG events in 2025
In typical HUG fashion, we are setting up a full and fun schedule of events for 2025:
First up is our HUG at Sea event! We are officially sold out of cabins, but you can either join us for the land-only event (if you’re local to Florida) on Sunday, April 13 3-8:30pm:register here OR get on our wait list here!
Our inaugural Owners Retreat “Hawk’s Nest” was a major success, so we are gearing up to bring it back in the fall of 2025! Registration info coming this spring.
The HUG Regional events are always a great 1-day event, so look for those in a city near you coming in the fall of 2025 as well. Registration info coming this spring.
Our list of webinar offerings continues to grow. We have agent-led webinars, partner webinars, and HawkSoft support webinars. Here is the link to the upcoming webinars so that you can get registered, and the archive of recorded webinars in case you’ve missed them in the past.
The HawkSoft User Group news blog is tailored to what you, our valued members, want. And, if you would like to write a blog in 2025, fill out this form! We are currently looking for blogs for the Q3-Q4.
Your board of directors is looking forward to navigating 2025 alongside all of you, and we are excited for what the future of HawkSoft and HUG holds. As always, if you are interested in getting involved in any of our planning committees, webinars, or blogs, please email us at and we’ll get in touch with you.
Wishing you all a successful year ahead,
Kelly A Endicott, Agency Owner
K&M Insurance Agency Inc.
Columbus, OH