Policy Information
Company: <<Pol_Program>>
Policy Number <<Pol_PolNum>>
Named Insured: <<Cli_BusName>>
Effective Date: <<Pol_EffectDate>>
Expiration Date: <<Pol_ExpireDate>>

Thank you for choosing <<Agncy_Name>> as your representative to place your insurance.

A policy will be issued and sent to you under separate cover. In the interim, this email will serve as confirmation of your coverage.

Again, thank you for your business. We look forward to serving you!


<<User Name>>
<<User_Notes>>, <<Agncy_Name>>
<<Agncy_Address>>, <<Agncy_City>>, <<Agncy_State>>  <<Agncy_Zip>>
Phone:<<Agncy_Phone>>  |  Fax: <<Agncy_Fax>>