RE: Company: <<Pol_Company>> Policy Number: <<Pol_PolNum>>

Dear <<Cli_FirstNames:PC>>,

Each year we review your insurance coverage to ensure you are receiving the best value possible. One of the advantages of dealing with an independent agent is that we can check a number of options and make recommendations that increase coverage and/or lower cost.


After reviewing your insurance program, we noted that we do not handle your auto insurance. We can offer a significant savings on both your auto and home when we insure both with one company. We hope you are able to take advantage of this.


Your could reduce your current homeowner premium by $<<Input:Approx amount of reduction?>> a year!


Getting a quote is easy. All we need is your permission to pull in the information that we need and then we can get a quote to you by phone, fax, email or mail. Please contact me at <<Agncy_Name>> to discuss further.


<<User Name>>
<<Agncy_Address>>, <<Agncy_City>>, <<Agncy_State>>  <<Agncy_Zip>>
Phone:<<Agncy_Phone>>  |  Fax: <<Agncy_Fax>>